Krieger Analytics + Service Providers
Drawing from our extensive experience as a trusted partner in the B2B services sector, we comprehend the intricate financial dynamics that underpin this industry. The B2B services landscape is driven by being able to leverage people and assets to drive revenue. In our experience, prior to engaging with an outsourced CFO, few service providers use these concepts to increase their profitability.
In the realm of B2B services, success is predicated on the strategic maneuvers of understanding customer acquisition costs and furthering the cap between people costs and revenue. This is precisely where a B2B services outsource CFO excels – developing actionable tactics that service providers can use to drive more profitability.
At Krieger Analytics, our collaboration spans a spectrum of B2B services…we have worked with marketing agencies, sales organizations, software developers, and consulting firms. We intimately understand the challenges that businesses of all scales encounter. As your dedicated B2B services CFO, we recognize the pivotal importance of a robust client acquisition model, the insights derived from granular metric analysis, and the art of delivering value across every facet.
Utilization assesses the efficiency of resource allocation, aiding in optimal staffing and cost management. By tracking we can ensure that resources are effectively leveraged to maximize revenue and overall profitability.
Revenue per Hour
Revenue per Hour is vital as it quantifies the value generated from time spent, guiding pricing strategies and highlighting efficiency gains. This metric enhances financial decision-making and resource optimization.
Cost per Hour
Cost per Hour is a critical, offering insights into operational efficiency and profitability by assessing resource expenditure against revenue generated within a specific timeframe.
Customer Acquisition Costs
Customer Acquisition Cost quantifies the expenses involved in acquiring new clients, ensuring optimal allocation of resources and aligning spending with customer value.